Sunday, December 9, 2007
Library News
We also congratulate Lindero's Classroom Accelerated Reader Stars for Sept.-Nov. Three times this school year, we will recognize the top AR readers in each Language Arts Class. One student in each class will be recognized for earning the most points during a three-month period, and another will be recognized for passing the most quizzes during that period. The list of student achievers is posted in the library and each Language Arts classroom.
Thanks to all the students who contributed posters to the book poster contest. We will announce the winners this week and get all the entries on display in the library very soon.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Change of focus for blog
While I realize this means going to multiple links for library-related information, it will also allow you to select the link that works best for you.
As always, I welcome your comments or suggestions. Contact me at the library, by phone at 818/889-2134x230, or by email at
Friday, November 23, 2007
Library News Nov. 26-30
Library hours this week include:
- The library will be open at 8:15 A.M. before school Monday - Friday.
- The library will be open for 6/7th grade lunch Monday - Thursday.
- The library will be open for 8th grade lunch Monday, Thursday, and Friday.
- The library will be open after school until 3:45 Monday - Friday.
Book club members and 8th grade advisory club members, please check the book club wiki at for important information about recording CYRM book talks, and get in touch with Mrs. Lofton to schedule a recording time for a book talk as soon as possible.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Millicent Min, Girl Genius Book Talk
Enjoy this book talk, and check back for more coming soon. You can add your own comment to the book talk if you register for a account. Comments are moderated and will appear as soon as they are approved.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Library Hours & News, Nov. 13-16:
Library hours this week:
- The library is open Tuesday - Friday before school at 8:15 AM.
- The library is open for both lunches Tuesday - Friday.
- The library is open after school Tuesday - Friday until 3:45 P.M.
Book club and 8th grade advisory students: Please see our new wiki at for information about volunteering to record CYRM booktalks. I am at a conference from Wed.-Sun. but will add more information during the Thanksgiving break when I get back.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Library Hours & Activities Nov. 5-9
- The library will be open before school at 8:15 A.M. Monday - Friday.
- The library will be open after school until 3:45 P.M. Monday - Friday.
- The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch on Mon., Tues., and Thurs.
- The library will be open for 8th grade lunch Mon. - Fri. Note that passes are no longer needed for 8th grade lunch visits.
- The library will host Lindero Out Loud on Friday, Nov. 9. Mr. Thomsen will be our guest reader. Tickets are required and will be issued on a first come, first serve basis. Come by the library to sign up and get a ticket.
On Friday, November 9, all Language Arts classes will have discussions of Esperanza Rising. In addition, students who read the book will be invited to a special event during RAD. The deadline for reading the book and taking the AR quiz and for submitting contest entries is Monday, November 5.
Attention Book Club members:- Please return all Exercise the Right to Read donations to the library by Friday, November 9.
- The next Lindero Library book club meeting will be on Friday, November 30, and we will have Irv Isaacman, Master Storyteller, as our guest.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Library Hours & News, Oct. 15-19
Don't forget to participate in the City of Agoura's One City, One Book program by reading Esperanza Rising and entering the poetry/reflection contest and/or the doll making/figure contest.
Library hours this week:
- The library is open every day at 8:15 A.M. and stays open until 3:45 P.M.
- The library is open for 6th/7th grade lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
- The library is open for 8th grade lunch on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Library Hours October 8-12
The library will open for 6th/7th grade lunch on Thursday and for 8th grade lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The library book club will meet during lunch on Friday.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Library Hours & Events, Oct. 2 - 5, 2007
The library will be open after school Tuesday through Friday until 3:45 P.M.
The library will be open for Eighth Grade lunch Tuesday through Friday.
The library will not be open for 6th/7th grade lunch this week due to 8th Grade History Day class visits. More regular openings for 6th/7th grade lunch will resume next week.
The library will host our 2nd session of "Lindero Out Loud" during 6th/7th grade lunch on Friday, October 5. Mr. Thomsen will be our guest reader. We had a sell-out crowd for our first "Lindero Out Loud" session, so students interested in attending should come by the library early in the week to sign up and get a ticket.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Library Hours & News, Sept. 24-28
The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch on Monday and Tuesday.
On Friday, September 28, the 6th/7th Grade Book Club will meet during lunch in the library. The book club is still open to new members. See Mrs. Lofton for more information.
The library will be open for 8th Grade lunch on Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday, we will have the first meeting of the 8th Grade "Muggle Support Group," the Lindero Library's teen advisory council. All 8th graders are invited. See Mrs. Lofton for more information.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Library is Open for Full Services!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Book Club Meeting, September 7
Friday, August 31, 2007
Welcome back!

In early September, we will begin meetings of our library book club, and we will also inaugurate "Lindero Out Loud," a series of lunch-time read alouds in the library. Stay tuned for more information soon!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Summer and Harry Potter
If, like me, you recently finished and loved Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and are now feeling a little let down as to what to read next, don't despair. Cick here for some ideas. And, if you have ideas of your own, please email me and I'll add them to the list.
Oh, and in case you are wondering about taking the AR quiz for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows rest assured that it will be added to the AR list as soon as we return in to school. It will be 34 points.
Enjoy the rest of your vacation, everyone!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Book Club Meeting Friday, June 8
The meeting will be a party, and all members are welcome to bring refreshments. Please see Mrs. Lofton if you would like to bring something.
Please come with any ideas for next year. You are also invited to bring a one-page, 8 1/2 x 11" page with a book recommendation. We will compile these recommendations into a book. Please see Mrs. Lofton for more information.
Library Hours May 29 - June 1
- The library will be open every day before school starting at 8:15 AM.
- The library will be open every day after school until 3:45 PM.
- The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch on Tuesday and Thursday.
- The library will be open for 8th grade lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The library will close for the school year on Friday, June 1. Please be sure to return all books and take care of any fines by that date or your yearbook and report card will be held until fines and overdues are settled. Please be sure to visit your local public libraries over the summer!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Library Hours May 21 - 25
- The library will be open before school starting at 8:15 AM Monday through Friday.
- The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch Monday through Friday.
- The library will be open for 8th grade lunch Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
- The library will be open after school until 3:45 PM Monday through Friday.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Wendelin van Draanen Visits Lindero May 14
The library will be closed on Monday while we host this special event. The library will resume normal hours, opening at 8:15 AM and closing at 3:45 PM, on Tuesday.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Library Hours May 7 - 11
- On Monday and Friday, the library will be open before school starting at 8:15 AM and after school until 3:45 PM.
- The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch Monday and Friday.
- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, which are STAR testing minimum days, the library will be open before school from 8:15 AM for AR quizzes and checkins/checkouts only. Students will not be able to use the library tables to read or study due to STAR test preparations. The library will not be open after school on these days.
The Book Club will meet on Friday, May 11, during lunch, with guest master storyteller Irv Isaacman.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Book Fair 2007 Update
We will be closing at Lindero at 1 P.M. today (Thursday, May 3), but please visit Barnes & Noble in the Westlake Promenade anytime through Sunday, May 6 to shop from the store's entire stock. Take one of our vouchers (on the attached flyer) or tell the cashier you are from Lindero and we will get credit for the sale.
Link to our flyer for more details.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Book Fair 2007
Monday - Wednesday, 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
Wednesday, May 2 (Open House Night): 6:30 P.M. - 9 P.M.
Thursday, May 3, 8:30 A.M. - 1 P.M.
Parents are welcome to visit any of the hours the fair is open.
And … you can also shop at Barnes & Noble in the Westlake Promenade:
Any time Monday, April 30 – Sunday, May 6, 9 A.M. - 11 P.M.
Take one of our vouchers (on the attached flyer) or tell the cashier you are from Lindero and we will get credit for the sale.
Link to our flyer for more details.
Book Club Meets Friday, May 11
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Library Hours Apr. 23 - May 3
- Before school Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Note that we are closed before school on Tuesday.
- After school Tuesday through Friday. Note that we are closed after school on Monday.
- For 6th/7th grade lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday.
- For 8th grade lunch, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
On Friday, the library will be open before school, but will then be setting up for our book fair. After school on Friday, students can come in to visit the circulation desk and take AR quizzes, but the main part of the library will be unavailable due to the book fair.
The book fair will be held in the library Monday, April 30 - Thursday, May 3. During that time, we will not be able to get to most of the book collection and will not be able to give AR quizzes. Students will be able to take quizzes again starting after school on Thursday, May 3. Please plan ahead and get library books and take quizzes this week before the book fair starts. Also, please plan to visit the book fair at Lindero April 30 - May 3 and at Barnes & Noble April 30 - May 6. All book fair profits benefit the Lindero Library.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Book Club Meeting Friday, April 20
Friday, April 13, 2007
Library Hours April 16 - 20
- Before school, starting at 8:15 A.M., Monday - Friday.
- For 6th/7th grade lunch, Monday - Friday.
- For 8th grade lunch, Monday - Wednesday.
- After school, until 3:45 P.M., Monday - Friday.
Book Talk - Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Monday, March 26, 2007
Book Club Meeting Friday, March 30
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Book Talk - Hattie Big Sky

Library Hours Mar. 26 - 30
- The library will be open every day before school, starting at 8:15 A.M.
- The library will be open every day after school until 3:45 P.M.
- The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch Mon. - Thurs.
- The library will be open for 8th grade lunch Mon. - Wed.
Please be aware that class visits or other school events could require last minute changes in this schedule.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Book Club Meeting, Thursday March 22
Library Hours Mar. 19 - 23
- Every day before school from 8:15
- Every day after school until 3:45
- Every day for 6th/7th grade lunch
- Monday and Tuesday for 8th grade lunch
Steve Young Visit a Great Success

Monday, March 12, 2007
Book Talk - Runaway
Read Wendelin Van Draanen's Runaway to learn the secrets of Holly's diary and her life on the run.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Book Club Meeting Wednesday, March 14
If you would like to buy one of Steve Young's books, please bring $17.15 (cash or check payable to Barnes & Noble) for 15 Minutes, or $10 cash for Great Failures of the Extremely Successful.
Please contact Mrs. Lofton with any questions.
Library Hours Mar. 12 - 16
- The library will be open every morning before school at 8:15 AM.
- The library will be open every day after school until 3:45 PM.
- The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch on Tues., Thurs., and Fri.
- The library will be open for 8th grade lunch on Mon. and Thurs.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Steve Young Visit
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Book Talk - The Higher Power of Lucky
Don't miss this great 2007 Newbery Award-winning novel by local author (and librarian!) Susan Patron.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Book Club Meeting Thursday, March 1
Library Hours Feb. 26 - Mar. 2
- The library will be open before school at 8:15 every morning except Tuesday.
- The library will be open after school every day until 3:45.
- The library will be open for 6th/7th grade lunch Mon., Tues., & Wed.
- The library will be open for 8th grade lunch Mon., Tues., & Wed.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Library Hours Feb. 21-24
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Wendelin van Draanen Books
Library Hours Feb. 12 - 16
- The library will be open every day before school (opening at 8:15) except Wednesday and every day after school (until 3:45).
- The library will be open for 6/7th Grade Lunch every day this week.
- The library will be open for 8th Grade lunch Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Wendelin van Draanen Visits Lindero May 14
The Lindero Library has some of Ms. van Draanen's books for circulation but not enough to serve our entire student population. We encourage you to purchase one or more of her books. All students who purchase books will be invited to a book signing with Ms. van Draanen on May 14. We have arranged with Barnes & Noble to order copies of her books for our students, and your purchase will also be credited to our PFC Book Fair profits that benefit the library. If you are interested in ordering books, please complete an order form as soon as possible so that you will have ample time to read before Ms. van Draanen’s visit.
See a complete list of Ms. van Draanen's books on our AR list. Her newest book, Runaway, will be on our AR list very soon.
Ms. van Draanen's visit is being made possible thanks to the generous support of our PFC.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Library Hours Feb. 5 - 9
- The library will be open every day before school (opening at 8:15) and every day after school (until 3:45).
- We will be closed from 9 - 2:30 on Tuesday while staff chaperone the Library Field Trip to the Los Angeles Public Library in Downtown Los Angeles.
- The library will be open for 6/7th Grade Lunch on Mon., Wed., Thurs., & Fri.
- The library will be open for 8th Grade Lunch on Mon. & Thurs.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Special Book Club Meeting
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Library Hours
- The library will be open before school (at 8:15) every day this week.
- The library will be open after school (until 3:45) every day this week.
- The library is open for 6th/7th grade lunch every day this week.
- The library is open for 8th grade lunch Tuesday through Friday.
Please be aware that opening times are always subject to change, but we keep the library open whenever possible.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Book Club Meeting
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Library Hours
- The library will be closed before school on Tuesday, January 23.
- The library is open before school (at 8:15) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday.
- The library will be open after school every day this week.
- The library is open for 6th/7th grade lunch every day this week except Thursday.
- The library is open for 8th grade lunch Monday and Wednesday.
Please be aware that opening times are always subject to change, but we keep the library open whenever possible.