Sunday, April 13, 2008

Library Installing New Software!

All the LVUSD libraries are installing new catalog and circulation software next week (April 21-25). This software will make our user catalog accessible online from any computer with Internet access. It will also have a new, state-of-the-art user interface. We do need some time to get it installed and ready, so please plan ahead for the time we will be closed:

  • Be sure to check out plenty of books to read on or before Friday, April 18.
  • Be sure to borrow any research materials you need on or before Friday, April 18.
  • Take any Accelerated Reader quizzes for books you have finished on or before Friday, April.
I am sorry for the inconvenience but am confident our new software will be worth the short interuption in our service. Please contact me at the library, by phone (889-2134 x230), or by email if you have any questions.