Sunday, April 13, 2008

Library Installing New Software!

All the LVUSD libraries are installing new catalog and circulation software next week (April 21-25). This software will make our user catalog accessible online from any computer with Internet access. It will also have a new, state-of-the-art user interface. We do need some time to get it installed and ready, so please plan ahead for the time we will be closed:

  • Be sure to check out plenty of books to read on or before Friday, April 18.
  • Be sure to borrow any research materials you need on or before Friday, April 18.
  • Take any Accelerated Reader quizzes for books you have finished on or before Friday, April.
I am sorry for the inconvenience but am confident our new software will be worth the short interuption in our service. Please contact me at the library, by phone (889-2134 x230), or by email if you have any questions.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Library News - April 4

Author Lisa Yee's visit to Lindero is approaching on May 14. Please be sure to read at least one of her books and complete the AR quiz on it by May 1 to be invited to the assembly. We also encourage you to consider buying one or more of her books in order to attend the book signing on the day of her visit. See the flyer for more information.

The next book club meeting will be April 11.

The next Lindero Out Loud will be April 18.

Please note that the library will be closed the week of April 21-25 while we install new catalog and circulation software. Please plan ahead and borrow plenty of reading material during the closing week!