We have lots of fun programs at the library. One that we will be participating in this fall is the City of Agoura's "One City, One Book" program. The middle school level book is Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan. This not-to-be-missed book recounts a tale of a young girl, born to luxury in Mexico, who, due to a sudden reversal of fortune, must learn to adapt to the life of a farm worker in California's Central Valley during the days of the Great Depression. Please get a copy from our library, the public library, or your bookstore and participate in reading it. We will be announcing activities related to "One City, One Book" soon.
In early September, we will begin meetings of our library book club, and we will also inaugurate "Lindero Out Loud," a series of lunch-time read alouds in the library. Stay tuned for more information soon!